James Live in Festival Sudoeste '07, Zambujeira do Mar, Portugal, 05/08/2007
[Audience recording]
All flac files as requested by the original uploader
01- Born of Frustration
02- Tomorrow
03- Sit Down
04- Chain Mail
05- Play Dead
06- Out To Get You
07- Not So Strong
08- Johnny Yen
09- Say Something
10- Upside Downside
11- Laid
12- Gold Mother
13- Ring The Bells
14- Sometimes / Encore
15- Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)
16- She's a Star
Tim Booth- Vox
Jim Glennie- Baixo
Mark Hunter- Keyboards, Melodica
Saul Davies- Guitarra, Violino
Larry Gott- Guitarra
David Bayton-Power- Bateria
Uploader's Other Notes:
Taper: j.mart (Stutter [at] sapo [dot] pt)
Source: DPA4061's > Church Audio ST-9100 (~+9dB, no HPF) > M-Audio Microtrack 24/96 (1/4'' TRS, L, WAV 24bit/48kHz)
Location: ~12m from stage, HRTF, in headband
Lineage: USB 2.0 > Adobe Audition 2.0 (EQ'ing, amplify, fades, hard limiting in clapping sections) > Steinberg Wavelab v5.01b (dither/resample with Apogee UV22HR to 16bit/44.1kHz) > CDWav 1.95 > FLAC Frontend 1.1.4 (FLAC 8)
-Zero tolerance for selling or mass lossy distribution (i.e. MP3 in messageboards and such). I know where to look for sellers and MP3 posts, and have quite a few people who will tell me if they spot any of these. I'm tired of free loading people ignoring tapers and walk all over our reasonable and polite requests. I understand that once i put a recording out there, it's out of my control and it's not copyrighted to me, but if any of these violations occur, be 100% sure that this will be the last recording i will ever put in circulation from this band. It's a lose-lose situation.
-Please pass this info file along as you distribute the show.
-Share it freely.